Michelle Weeks

Mum, Life & Mindset Coach 

(BYCA Life Coach & BA/BEd Macquarie University, Sydney )

Me In A Nutshell

  • Mum to the cutest little humans Freddie & Ella, wife, daughter, sister, friend, teacher, proud aunty.
  • Lover of sport, cooking, travel, reading, the ocean and an obsessive picture book collector.
  • Passionate South African-born, Aussie girl, currently living in Tasmania.
  • Personal development enthusiast and an avid journaler and supporter of idea sharing, kindness and gratitude.
  • Believer that your mental load should not inhibit you from soaking in the small and big moments of your day.
Michelle Weeks holding baby whilst smiling at camera

My Mission

My mission is to make a tangible difference in the busy lives of mums by supporting you to build skills to help your manage and share your mental load sustainably.

I empower you to soak in everyday moments with your loved ones without the mental exhaustion!

My Story

Strap in, this one could be a novel!

 My story has grown and evolved out of my own lived experiences. Having started my Life Coaching business to support teachers as a passionate teacher myself, I found myself truly benefiting from everything I had learned and implemented over the years when my motherhood journey started. And what a journey it was…

During the same week that I found out I was pregnant with my little Freddie, I also received a call from my Dad’s leading professor to inform me that his health had declined and I needed to make my way back to Australia immediately. This meant leaving New Zealand and my husband, with no idea when I might see him again (COVID times!). On arrival back in Australia, I spent the next 3 months in the incredible haematology ward at RPA hospital in Sydney with my family while my Dad fought the brave fight. Unfortunately, he didn’t win his battle and my own motherhood journey began with the loss of my very favourite person in the world, who my son never got to meet.

The journey then continued with moving 11 times for my husband’s job, spending months on end in lockdown and quarantine and then finally settling in Sydney to have our little man Freddie, only to be thrown into lockdown the same day he was born, meaning he wouldn’t meet all our loved ones before we relocated again when he was 6 weeks old.

Needless to say, my entry into motherhood was…colourful…and yet I was able to adjust, process my grief and genuinely enjoy the juggle of mum life within uncertainty. I tribute this all to the mindset work (hello understanding perfectionism!) that I had previously done (and continue to do daily) and the work I had done with my clients for the years leading up to this period of time. Despite all the challenges, I was able to adapt with resilience, soak in the precious moments with my son, pull on gratitude for all that we experienced and genuinely stand strong in myself as a person, as well as to learn to be myself as a mum too.

Were there moments of feeling overwhelmed, deflated and of utter worry and doubt? ABSOLUTELY, they are part of the human experience. BUT, I was able to trust myself and lean into my mindset strategy toolbox and recognise that I could support myself to make it through without crumbling. Pleasingly what I actually experienced was unbelievable growth and flourishing. I have absolutely no doubt that this is accessible and available to you too, dear Mumma.

I knew there was another way. I knew that the widely publicised default story that motherhood should be a hard slog, flooded with constant worry, feeling like I needed to do and be better, doubting, questioning and overall exhaustion, didn’t have to be my only reality.

So I set out to consciously choose how I wanted my motherhood journey to feel and look. I knew that I had power in this, I didn’t need to be a victim. I never once dismissed or overlooked the moments that were difficult and draining, instead, I recognised them AND knew that I was strong enough and equipped enough to overcome them resiliently, without sacrificing all of myself and my energy in the process. I focused on where I wanted to expend my energy and anchored into my values to ensure I knew what was most important to me. This meant I was able to genuinely soak in the long days and nights, as they were, instead of wishing they were something else. This was powerful work and made a huge impact on how I experienced my life and the journey of my every day, instead of just the ‘destination’.

Over the years, I learned the power of practising deeper skills of acknowledging and sharing the mental load that I carried as the default parent and mental load bearer in our household. These quite literally changed my life as they allowed me to participate in our family life without mental exhaustion and resentment.

Just like you, I had the motivating factor of knowing that working on myself would have a beautiful flow-on effect for my family and on creating a life that didn’t only need to be hard or exhausting or chaotic. I now also know my mission in my business is to help as many mums as possible to learn these skills and feel supported in your mental load, your mindset and. your confidence to adjust to the ebbs and flows of your life as a parent.

I understand you.

I understand the pressures you feel from within and from outside. I have felt the exhaustion of caring so deeply, of providing a warm, safe and caring environment for your little (or big) people to grow and develop. I know what it feels like to have a ‘never-ending’ list of things to get done, to crave that moment to yourself to catch up and breathe and to feel like you are on the fastest hamster wheel ever invented!

I get you. You are not alone.

I also know the relief, confidence and utter excitement of knowing your mental load isn't ruling you anymore. 

Let me teach you how this is possible for you too.

Find out how to work with me here!

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