12 Week 1:1 Coaching Series

Intensive support curated perfectly to your unique circumstances.


  • Stepping off the hamster wheel that keeps you feeling exhausted and overwhelmed.
  • Understanding, managing and sharing your mental load with confidence. 
  • Knowing what is achievable in your day and planning realistically with that in mind.
  • Understanding how your brain, your thoughts and your mindset is having a huge impact on how you are feeling and what you are doing in your day.
  • Not feeling like you have done everything and yet nothing at all by the end of the day.
  • Being able to focus, truly, on what you are doing at work or at home.
  • Being able to switch off and rest without guilt.
  • Knowing and proritising things that you enjoy and that light you up.
  • Investing in your own wellbeing and feeling more like you every single day.
  • Feeling lighter, calmer, calmer, more patient.
  • Being present and calm with your kids and in your family time.
  • Knowing and standing firm in your own boundaries.
  • Really loving your life, warts and all, knowing you are resilient enough to overcome anything that comes your way without completely crumbling.
  • Having the support, encouragement and accountability of someone who has helped numerous mums make this their reality before, guiding you step-by-step. (That's me)


Well my friend, imagine no longer.

Committing to this 12-week 1:1 coaching series is the first step in making this your reality. 

I'm ready to stop imagining and to begin creating this change. Sign up HERE!

What does the coaching series look like?


1. Pre-coaching questionnaire



This questionnaire asks powerful questions to allow you the opportunity to explore the areas you want to focus on most to experience the biggest impact from this coaching series.

This is an informal opportunity for you to reflect and get clear on what it is that you really think needs to change so we can zone in on these!



2. One Hour Goal Setting Session


Our first session will be all about setting your powerful goals. During this session you will set goals based upon the areas in which you most want support in, allowing you to leave feeling motivated, clear and energised for the series ahead. By the end of this impactful session, you will have decided upon your first action steps, allowing you to begin the journey towards making your everyday Mum life easier and more enjoyable, all the while being guided, supported and kept accountable by me. 

3. 5 x 1:1 Coaching Sessions


Every fortnight we will have a scheduled coaching call via Zoom of which you will receive a recording.

During this 60 minute session, we will spend time unpacking the goals we set, working on your mindset and implementing practical solutions to guide you closure towards your goals and to experience tangible results in your daily life. These sessions will be focused on YOUR needs, YOUR journey and YOUR breakthroughs.

It is designed to intentionally get you on a path towards the life you want to live and to make it your reality.

I will be there to guide you, support you and to gently hold you accountable. 

4. Unlimited Email and WhatsApp Support




Between our scheduled coaching sessions, I will be available via email and WhatsApp (M-F) to help you celebrate your breakthroughs, work through your challenges and continue your momentum forward towards achieving your goals.

Building your self-trust and enabling you to embody these actions moving beyond our coaching series.






Book your coaching series now!

Liz Hodgett

I feel like a different person from when I started my coaching series with Michelle. I am so much more aware of the pattern of my thoughts and how they can impact my feelings and actions. I feel so empowered knowing that I CAN have control over this. I can actually choose my thinking and change my feelings! I am far kinder and more compassionate towards myself now.

Michelle is such a wonderful listener and just so easy to talk to and because of this I felt that I could be upfront and honest about my thoughts, feelings towards teaching. I really felt like I was at the end of my tether with teaching before our coaching series. Just utterly exhausted and over it, but so frustrated because there was so much I loved about the profession and felt I was meant to stay in it but couldn’t cope with the expense to my mental and physical health and relationships.

Michelle was so supportive and encouraging throughout the entire process. I just felt so at ease talking to her about anything and I also appreciated her challenging me to think through things myself (out loud) and guiding me with gentle suggestions, useful tools or questions to get me to think more deeply / widely about problems – encouraging me to think of solutions or ‘next steps’ myself, making me feeling capable and confident in myself 🙂

Sarah Jones

The work that we did together last year empowered me in so many ways, and I am noticing some very important shifts which I know are a direct result of the sessions I had with you.
The knock-on effect of me putting boundaries around my energy is that I noticeably have much more energy when I am with my boys after school in particular. Rather than being so exhausted and depleted, I have preserved some of my daily energy for them. I really notice it - it stops me in my tracks because it is just SO wonderful!! Wonderful for them, and wonderful for me. Having slightly more energy at the end of the day for them means I am calmer, more relaxed to engage for longer periods of time and I think we are having a laugh more. This is exactly what I wanted!
I'm so grateful. Thank you!

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