Welcome to 


You are here because this is your time.

When you enrol...

You get instant access to the library of content to begin building your mindset toolbox.

This includes 3 months of access to:

> A welcome and program logistics video that runs you through the step-by-step process of how to access and interact with the program's content.

> 9 Learning Module Videos - all available on the go via the Kajabi app and none more than 15 minutes in length, so they fit easily into your life.

> A fully downloadable workbook curated in alignment with the learning modules to assist in you implementing the change you are after.

> Links to book your 3 x 1:1 coaching calls (to be used within 90 days of enrolling).

> Masterclasses to help you fully understand and implement concepts taught in the program.

> This program has been designed with mums in mind (I understand the juggle!). It is self-paced and easily accessible via the Kajabi App, so you can learn when and where it suits you. You will experience massive change whilst only needing to lock in your coaching call times!

I'm in - Sign up here!

What does the program cover?

Building your mindset toolbox had never been more achievable through the combination of learning modules, a workbook and 1:1 coaching calls with me. 

  ✔️ Learning Modules

 The program's learning modules are grouped into three sections within the program. They include:



 The tools of this program are designed to help you get crystal clear on what is most important to you (your Values), where you want to focus your efforts and expend your energy (your Effort Areas) and finally when you know that you are and have done 'enough' (your Success Statement).

They are the practical elements of the course and will guide your choices as you go about changing your daily life.







The knowledge of the program is all about how perfectionism is impacting your daily life.

You will understand how your brain is wired and how you can begin to consciously reframe your thoughts, feelings and daily actions.

In one of these modules, you will learn about how heavy your current invisible mental load is and why you aren't able to switch your brain off and rest properly, even if a moment arises.

Most importantly, you will learn HOW YOU CAN CHANGE THIS!




Connection in the program is all about reconnecting with and understanding yourself better.

Here, you will learn how to trust yourself with things like showing up for yourself, not bottling up your emotions and making decisions that you don't doubt and question.

You will learn to shower yourself with kindness and change that nasty inner voice. You will also reconnect with your hobbies and interests and create time for the little daily practice that truly lights you up and nourish you as a person first!

Join ReMind now and begin building your mindset toolbox now!

  ✔️ Workbook

The workbook accompanying this program has been specifically curated to help you truly implement what you learn in the learning module videos.

The workbook is a safe space where you will dive further into how the learning applies to you and relates to your circumstances.

It allows you move from knowing the information to actually implementing change.

The workbook provides inbuilt space for you to jot down notes, work through scaffolded exercises, journal guided by prompts specific to your learning and printable pages to visually remind yourself what you are working on each day.

It is a safe space. A place for you to voice all that you wish and hope and dream of and then a practical space for you to make those things your reality.

 ✔️ Coaching Calls

The program includes 3 x 1:1 60-minute coaching calls with me and it is where the true magic happens!

The purpose of these calls is to support you and guide you to truly embody the changes that you implement throughout the program. Woohoo, this is where my heart truly lights up and we get to make this shit happen!!!

They are spaces where we work together to overcome challenges, to get super clear on how these changes will be sustainable, to diver further into understanding your mindset, and to make your everyday life one that you truly adore.

There is not set time throughout the program to book these calls in, as everyone will want support at different points, so as you work your way through the program, you will have the autonomy to decided when you would like the extra support and guidance. You have 3 months from the time of enrolment to use your 3 coaching calls. The "when" is up to you!

For those mummas who just love the 1:1 support (I see you!), additional coaching calls can of course be purchased. Just let me know!


You are READY to build your mindset toolbox through ReMind if you....

  • Are a mum or a parent and are ready to truly prioritise yourself and let the beautiful flow-on effect of that ooze out into the world around you.
  • Feel like you have done everything and yet nothing at all at the end of the day.
  • Are ready to get off the hamster wheel of feeling exhausted and overwhelmed.
  • Want to say hell yes to having calmness, patience and presence be part of your everyday experience.
  • Are ready to understand how perfectionism is impacting your experience of your daily life.
  • Are ready to give yourself permission to *really* rest, in a way that your brain actually allows you to.
  • Are ready to release the guilt of what motherhood 'should' look like and feel confident to step into what you dream it to look and feel like for you and your family.
  • Want to let go of the exhaustion associated with overwhelming thoughts and always thinking about the worst-case scenario.
  • Are ready to become resilient in the face of the hurdles that motherhood throws at you.
  • Want to learn how to support yourself when times are tough & embrace all the emotions that come your way so you can avoid bottling them up until you burst or crumble.
  • Desire balance, time & energy for yourself, your interests and your hobbies.
  • Want to be present in all your relationships and prioritise the elements of your life you value most.
  • Are ready to love yourself unconditionally and change the inner murmurings which weigh you down. 
  • Desire to feel the incredible compound benefits of consistent, small actions and daily practises which nourish you and those you love.
  • Have decided to change that little voice inside your head from one which is harsh and judgy, to one which is kind and understanding.
  • Want to say yes to making tangible changes and to stop thinking 'surely there has to be another way'.
  • Are open to learning about the triggers which cause you to feel stressed, frustrated, exhausted and deflated and put strategies in place to manage these.
  • Are ready to genuinely love your life, warts and all.
  • Seek clarity, direction and joy in a new phase of life after finding yourself in a period of transition.
  • Want to address self-doubt and lack of worthiness and be guided to put in place measures that support you and as a result flow on to supporting your family.
  • Are ready to equip yourself with strategies that are applicable to every stage of your motherhood journey so you can continue to thrive for years to come.
You read my mind. This is me. I am Ready. JOIN ReMIND HERE

Norah Wilson

Michelle is incredibly trust-worthy, respectful and supportive. She listened VERY carefully and gave me guidance to find ways to grow that worked for me. There was a lot of learning that took place during my coaching sessions, even though I felt like I was coming into it all from a conscious place. The exercises Michelle and I worked through allowed me to recognise things that I may not have otherwise. They also helped me to begin to heal in certain areas.

I didn’t think that I had time in my schedule for this, but what has happened is that I now feel like I have more time (for everything) than I did before. It’s called priorities! It’s called self-compassion. Suddenly, there’s this time for me to do things for myself.

Michelle did a damn good job of making me feel as though I could speak openly, without fear of judgement, knowing that I would receive support and guidance. In order to make this experience as worthwhile as possible, one does need to let go and open up. That could happen in Michelle’s company. She is a gem.

Sarah Jones

The work that we did together last year empowered me in so many ways, and I am noticing some very important shifts which I know are a direct result of the sessions I had with you.
The knock-on effect of me putting boundaries around my energy is that I noticeably have much more energy when I am with my boys after school in particular. Rather than being so exhausted and depleted, I have preserved some of my daily energy for them. I really notice it - it stops me in my tracks because it is just SO wonderful!! Wonderful for them, and wonderful for me. Having slightly more energy at the end of the day for them means I am calmer, more relaxed to engage for longer periods of time and I think we are having a laugh more. This is exactly what I wanted!
I'm so grateful. Thank you!

Investment Options

Want to chat about whether this is the best option for you? No Problems! Book your clarity call here!
No need to chat, sign me up already!